Call of Papers

TIOTC 2025 ONLY accepts unpublished research papers in English. Submitted conference papers will be reviewed by technical committees of the Conference. The main aims of calling for this conference is to gather the state-of-art solutions to provide a robust system with the ability to operate in dynamic and changing environments, including methods for industry and real-world problems. All the submitted papers should be addressing either a theoretical or practical perspective are highly recommended and welcome, as well as contributions presenting relevant applications. The multi-thematic program of this conference will focus on topics and technical areas of interest include but are not limited to as shown in tracks.

Conference Tracks:

Track 1 :  Internet of Things (IOT): Services and Applications

  • IoT Applications and Industry 4.0
  • Control Systems
  •  IoT Communication Technologies
  • 5G Networks and IoT
  • Blockchain and IoT integration
  • New Blockchain consensus protocols, platforms and development tools for IoT
  • IoT data storage and sharing using blockchain
  • Autonomous Systems
  • Blockchain for IoT device identity verification and provenance authentication
  •  IoT enabled Innovation and Entrepreneurship
  • Software Defined Network (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and IoT
  • Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in IoT
  • Mobile Sensing and Smartphone Sensing
  • FDMA/OFDMA modulations, synchronization, and power optimization
  • Robotic IoT Systems
  • Automation and Robotics

Track 2 : IOT in Communication and Networks 

  • Vehicular Networking and Connected Vehicles
    • IoT Edge and Cloud Architectures
    • Smart Grids
    • Future generation communications and pervasive computing
    • Emerging Wireless/Mobile Applications
    • Visible Light Communications
    • Software defined networks
    • Information theory and coding
    • Cloud communications and networking
    • Distributed applications, modeling language, and software engineering

Track 3 : Innovative Computing

  •   Cloud & Fog Computing
    • Grid & Cluster Computing
    • Embedded & Green Computing
    • Mobile & Ubiquitous Computing
    • High Performance Computing
    • Image & Pattern Recognition
    • Signal Processing
    • Soft Computing
    • Biomedical computing
    • Ubiquitous computing
  • Artificial Intelligence 
    • Machine Learning and Deep Learning 
    • Data Science 
    • Signal Processing 
  • Data Science 
    • Software Engineering
  • Agile systems design
  • Digital Forensics
  • Cryptography
  • Security 
  • Virtual reality and its application
  • Manufacturing systems
  • Mobile Applications