To submit your paper, Please click Here:

Submit your Paper Here

please Search for “TIOTC2025” when you want to submit your paper to our conference.

Three important steps to be considered when you want to upload your paper: 

1- Your paper format according to the AIP conference paper format. Author can download AIP format

2- You can upload only Microsoft office format and PDF (pdf, doc, docx).

3- Make sure you received confirmation email that your paper has been registered and uploaded.

4- Paper Length Shouldn’t exceed 10 pages.

If you have any problem, please send email to :

Guide for Authors:

TIOTC 2025 invites to submit your research paper involving applications, theories, methodologies as well as application-oriented work. The submissions cannot be under review or accepted for publication in a journal or another conference. All papers will be peer-reviewed by experts on the basis of originality, significance clarity, and only those papers presenting novel research results or successful innovative applications will be accepted for publication.

AIP provides templates for Word users that help structure the manuscript, e.g., define the heading hierarchy. Predefined style formats are available for all the necessary structures that are supposed to be part of the manuscript, and these formats can be quickly accessed via hotkeys or special toolbars.

Peer review process

The peer review process is a vital component of academic research and publishing. It serves as a quality control mechanism to ensure that scholarly articles meet rigorous standards of accuracy, validity, and significance. For researchers, navigating the peer review process can be both daunting and crucial for their professional growth.

One of our editors, generally corresponding to the discipline of the submitted research work, will quickly overview the research articles. The research article may be rejected without peer review if it is not found of enough good quality or out of the TIOTC2025 scope. After the quick overview, the research articles are sent to the reviewer having the knowledge of corresponding subject. The selected reviewer will need to review the research paper considering various criteria. The following criteria are observed and points are calculated (out of total 10) for each criteria:

1.Relevance of Title and Research Article

2.Scholarly Quality

3.Continuity in the Article

4.Use of Theory

5.Novelty and Originality

6.Technical Contents and Correctness

7.Understanding and Illustrations

8.Critical Qualities

9.Quality of References

10.Clarity of Conclusions

The article may be sent back to the authors for revision with suggestions if the reviewer thinks any changes are required.

The revision must be done by researchers/authors within a specific time.

The research articles are accepted for publication if the total score of the review is greater than or equal to 75%.

After the peer review process is completed positively, one of the editors will finally edit the research article, if required, before finally publishing it.

Plagiarism Policies

When research articles are submitted, plagiarism may appear in them because of copying heavily from one or more referenced/unreferenced sources and lack of original thoughts, research methods and conclusions of the researchers/authors.

To ensure that original and good quality research work is published, we are using computer software to check for plagiarism in the submitted content. We are using the services provided by Turnitin for plagiarism detection. It can check references mentioned in the research articles and various online sources for content duplication.

Research articles having more than 20% plagiarism are not published, and authors are informed with the analysis report.

Publication process

The language of publication is exclusively English. Authors publishing in AIP have to sign the  copyright transfer form, however, they are free to use their material published in AIP for substantially changed, more elaborate subsequent publications elsewhere. For the preparation of the camera-ready papers/files, authors have to strictly adhere to the AIP Authors’ Instructions and are strongly encouraged to use the AIP LaTeX style files or templates.

The first submission and camera ready paper should be formatted according to the AIP template. This template can be downloaded here:

Further formatting instructions are posted at

Once you paper accepted by the conference committee, You need to sign the AIP Copyright.

– Copyright Form

All selected and accepted papers should submit and sign the copyright form (camera ready paper).

We firmly believe that ethical conduct is the most essential virtual of any academic. Hence any act of plagiarism is a totally unacceptable academic misconduct and cannot be tolerated.